Last Friday, our second year BTEC Business students made a special delivery comprised of crucial food bank items and products to St George’s House, across the road from the College Green centre as part of their BTEC Teamwork unit.
St George’s House is an incredible organisation that helps those aged 16 – 25 who are either at risk of homelessness or who have already found themselves in that difficult position, including young people who are sleeping rough and those who are hidden homeless.
At their St George’s Road site, they provide safe and stable supported housing that is both affordable and accessible and is offered to those in need. They also offer access to food and equipment that helps young people to learn to cook, bake and take care of themselves.
The age bracket of those that St George’s House offer crucial support to is a very similar age range to many of our students, so it struck a chord with the college.
Spearheaded by Further Education lecturer, Clare Joyce, staff, students and the college itself donated supplies to the appeal with students working together to design posters that were on display promoting the collection and driving donations.
Not deterred by the relentless wind and rain on Friday, Clare and the students delivered the food, baking equipment and sanitary products to St George’s House where it was received with gratitude and heartfelt thanks.
If you’re a student who is in need of additional personal support, please click here. If you are in need of dedicated mental health support, please click here.

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