Corporate governance
The City of Bristol College Corporation
The City of Bristol College Corporation – the Governing Body – carries ultimate legal responsibility for College activities. Working closely with the Principal, the Corporation is responsible for approving the College’s mission statement, its strategic priorities and direction and for maintaining the overall framework of policies and procedures within which the College operates. Governors help the College to maintain a long-term focus whilst working on its short term goal and plans.
Find out more about City of Bristol College’s current governors
Find out more about becoming a governor at City of Bristol College
The Corporation is specifically responsible for the following non-delegable duties: determining the educational character and mission of the College properly accounting for public monies granted to the College ensuring the solvency of the Corporation safeguarding the Corporation’s assets and for the following: the employment of staff who are designated Senior Post Holders and the Clerk to the Corporation setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service for those members of staff who are not Senior Post Holders approving the annual estimates of income and expenditure approving and monitoring the College’s strategic plan acquiring and disposing of land and property.
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