Meeting Skills Needs

Meeting Local, Regional and National Skills Needs

At City of Bristol College, we are striving to meet local, regional and national skills needs including in response to the West of England Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP).

We have invested heavily in our staff development and in capital for the following sectors in 21/22 and 22/23 – Health & Social Care, Construction and Creative & Digital including through Skills Development Funding (SDF).

Nationally, we are proud of our valued partnership with DAF Trucks.

Our Continuing Journey to Meet National Skills Priorities

In 24/25 we will continue to review how we meet national skills priorities through the following qualifications:

Academic Qualification Pathways

Including a whole programme A Level offer as well as an A Level / alternative academic qualification (AAQ) joint programme offer from 24/25 in line with the changing qualification landscape.

T Levels and Other Technical Occupational Entry and Progression Qualifications

Our T Level plan and qualification reform timelines are based on changes to the defunding of other qualifications in line with recently announced qualification reforms that will take effect from 25/26 on all academic and technical qualifications at Level 3 and below.

Apprenticeship Expansion Planned in the Following Areas

Expand number of apprenticeship standards across all four LSIP priority sectors according to sector growth:

– Construction
– Engineering & Manufacturing
– Health & Social Care
– Digital & Technology

Free Courses for Jobs

We will continue to develop curriculum which falls within the Free Courses for Jobs offer (formerly NSF) against the backdrop of a challenging local demographic of low numbers of eligible learners.

Using new flexibilities within the funding rules, we envisage increasing our offering in Construction, Health and Education.

Skills Bootcamps for 24/25

– LGV/ HGV (PiB)

– Leadership & Management (PiB)

Higher Technical Qualifications

HTQ Advanced Practitioner in Mental Health (with apprenticeship pathway)
Computing and Digital Technologies HNC/D (HTQ)
NCFE Early years Senior Practitioner HTQ
Construction and The Built Environment (Construction) HNC (HTQ)

For further information regarding how we are meeting skills needs and national skills priorities, please see our Accountability Agreement 2024/25 in its entirety below.

Accountability Agreement 2024/25

If the above Accountability Agreement 2024/25 does not load correctly, please click here.

Skills Position Statement

If the above Skills Position Statement does not load correctly, please click here.

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