College Code of Conduct
City of Bristol College is committed to working with you to help you reach your goals, and we expect College students to be fully dedicated to their studies. Everyone in the College commits to respecting the partnership between all members by following its rules and procedures. We’ve created this code of conduct to outline our expectations of you as a student, and what you can expect from us in return.
Behaviour and Respect
As a student, you are expected to:
- Behave in a way that benefits the learning environment.
- Treat all College staff, students and visitors with respect.
- Act as ambassadors and live our values when representing the College.
- Take responsibility for your own studies.
- Adhere to the College’s health and safety procedures and industry practices.
- Always wear your lanyard and display your ID pass when on College premises.
- Not use or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs in College.
- Bring nothing into College that could be used to harm another person.
- Respect our shared environment. For example, keep your music to a level which doesn’t disrupt others, put your litter in the bins provided and smoke/vape only in designated spaces.
As a student you can expect the College to:
- Take all practicable measures to provide a safe environment where all staff and students feel valued and respected.
- Promote behaviour that enhances learning and performance for all.
- Provide praise and recognition for your achievements and positive contributions.
- Challenge behaviour that does not meet expected standards and set clear targets for improvement.
- Create a stimulating environment, with quality teaching and academic support.
- Teach you the relevant health and safety procedures and industry practices.
- Train you in the safe use of specialist learning equipment.
- Address non-compliance in accordance with the College’s Student Disciplinary Policy.
Attendance and Punctuality
As a student, you are expected to:
- Attend all timetabled lessons, tutorials and progress reviews on time.
- Contact the College if you are unable to attend or are likely to be late.
- Keep the College informed of any issues that might affect your studies.
- Make routine appointments out of College time where possible.
As a student you can expect the College to:
- Provide additional support required to meet the needs of individual students.
- Provide a safe environment where these issues can be discussed and support put in place so your studies aren’t disrupted.
- Encourage good time management and challenge poor attendance and punctuality.
Professional Standards
As a student, you are expected to:
- Work to the best of your ability at all times.
- Complete and submit work to deadlines and abide by examination times and requirements.
- Always act respectfully towards others and College property.
- Participate positively during class and avoid disruptive, inappropriate behaviour.
- Produce work that is your own, and acknowledge the original source when citing references.
- Use mobile devices appropriately and only during sessions when requested to do so by a member of staff.
- Help to improve the student experience by constructively contributing your views to Student Voice.
As a student you can expect the College to:
- Provide you with opportunities to learn and exceed your expected progress.
- Return work to you within agreed deadlines and give appropriate and developmental feedback.
- Provide you with targets and feedback to aid your progression.
- Provide you with appropriate information and guidelines to avoid plagiarism.
- Create opportunities for you to develop skills and attributes highly valued by employers.
- Provide regular opportunities for you to give feedback on the College provision, support and environment.
- Provide the forum to contribute to course development and enhancement through student representatives.