Specialist facilities

Accessible kitchen and shop

We have a kitchen and shop used by our Foundation Education students. It can help students to gain confidence. In addition, it is the perfect space to become more employable and learn to live independently.

Animal Centre

Animal lover? We have specialist facilities at our South Bristol Skills Academy. The Animal Centre is home to small animals and reptiles which you can learn to care for through one of our animal care courses.

Computing and IT labs

Our labs contain superb IT facilities. This gives Computing and IT students access to a wide range of software.

We are a Cisco Networking Academy, Microsoft IT Academy and Autodesk Authorised Training Centre. We are also accredited with CompTIA and the Chartered Institute for IT.

Creative media specialist facilities

Our specialist facilities offer the best in new creative and media technology, including:

  • Digital editing suite
  • Graphics suite
  • Multimedia Mac suite
  • Photographic studios
  • Video production suite
  • Art and fashion studios
  • Bookable cameras.

Travel Hub

At our South Bristol Skills Academy, you will find a purpose-built aircraft cabin, kitted out with aircraft seats and on-board equipment. Our Travel Hub also features two additional specialist rooms designed to meet the needs of the aviation and tourism industries, creating an atmosphere of comfort and professionalism for role-plays, academic research and team collaboration all whilst simulating an airport or hospitality lounge.

Other specialist facilities

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