Enrolment for adults
This information is for adults aged 19+ for courses other than higher education. Adult enrolment in on now and continues all summer.
Online enrolment
Students aged 19+ are able to enrol on many adult courses using on our adult course web page and by locating the appropriate course information, pressing the enrol button and following the instructions. If you’re required to pay for your course, you’ll be able to do it via our website.
If the enrol button is missing from the course page, you’ll have a choice to use an apply button. If you apply, you will be invited for an interview (if needed) which will be followed by enrolment.
Telephone enrolment
If you’ve found your perfect course but this course does not offer an online enrolment option, call us on 0117 312 5000 to enrol over the phone with our friendly Student Services team.
Face-to-face enrolment
You can pop into your nearest centre to enrol from 9am – 5pm every weekday; you don’t need to make an appointment. We also have some evening and Saturday enrolment times, which will be advertised on our website.
Find your perfect adult course
Explore our specialist subject areas below or browse all courses for adults.